Wisdom Teeth Removal

Wisdom teeth are often the cause of tooth decay and gum disease and are often extracted, but if they are growing and functioning normally or have potential for future use, it may be better to leave them in place rather than have them extracted.
Medical treatment has evolved in recent years and tooth extraction is not necessarily a “painful” and “scary” procedure with swollen cheeks.If you have any concerns, please do not judge for yourself, but consult your dentist.
This page answers some common questions about wisdom tooth extraction.
Should I have my wisdom teeth removed? Which wisdom teeth should be removed?

Cases in which wisdom teeth should be removed:
・There is pain or swelling
・Wisdom teeth interfere with the alignment of the other teeth
・The teeth in front of the wisdom teeth are damaged and show decay
・They are the cause of tumors or cysts.
Wisdom teeth are called “wisdom teeth” because they erupt at an age when all the permanent teeth have come in – usually around age 20 – and parents no longer look in the mouth.
They often erupt after they are fully developed and therefore can interfere with other teeth if they have not grown straight or are too close to other teeth.
Therefore, as a general rule, it is better to extract the teeth that are causing pain, swelling, and misalignment as described above, while leaving the teeth that have grown in without adverse effects.
Disadvantages of Wisdom Teeth Removal

What are the disadvantages of having wisdom teeth removed?!
・temporary pain and swelling
・temporary bleeding and possibility of internal bleeding
・loss of the possibility of using them as a support for bridges or dentures
・loss of the ability to use wisdom tooth grafts to replace lost back teeth.
Of course, there is a possibility of pain and swelling after wisdom teeth removal, but the disadvantage of losing the option of using wisdom teeth as a replacement for back teeth in case you need to have a back tooth removed in the future is surprisingly unknown to many people.
In addition, depending on the location of the wisdom teeth, there are several other possibilities to consider besides those mentioned above (e.g., whether they will have a negative impact on daily life).
How long will the pain and swelling last after wisdom teeth removal?

Pain and swelling after wisdom teeth extraction:
・The anesthesia will wear off in 3~4 hours after the procedure
・Pain will subside within 1~2 days after the procedure at which point pain medication is no longer needed
It is difficult to say how long the anesthesia will last and how severe the pain will be, as it varies from person to person, but generally the peak of the pain will pass in about two days.
In some Wisdom Teeth Removal cases, the pain can last for more than a week!
If this is the case, the possible causes are as follows:

Causes of prolonged toothache after tooth extraction:
① Bacteria got into the wound during tooth extraction
② There was a large swelling during tooth extraction
③ A dry socket has developed
In the case of ① and ②, the pain usually subsides after about two weeks, but in the case of ③ (a dry socket has formed), severe pain lasts for about two weeks, and the pain can generally last for about a month. Although this is a condition that will heal itself, if the pain is severe, please consult your dentist immediately for reassurance.
What is a dry socket?
A dry socket is a condition in which the bone exposed by the extraction hole becomes infected with bacteria. Normally, the hole is filled with blood after extraction and heals naturally, but the blood does not clot properly and the surface of the exposed bone becomes infected, causing considerable pain.
How to reduce the pain and swelling of Wisdom Teeth Removal
Consult a reliable dentist:
Dentists with considerable experience and expertise will be able to provide you with the right solution for your situation. For example, dentists who are trained in implant surgery often focus on sterilization and specialize in oral surgery, so you can rest assured that you are in good hands.
Use of pain management methods such as electrical anesthesia injectors:
For example, when anesthesia is injected by hand, the injection is inevitably uneven. But when you use a machine, the speed of the injection is controlled to be slow and even to avoid pain. I think this is one of the points to judge whether we, as dentists, are really “thinking of the best interest of the patient and being close to them”, rather than whether it is wrong to do it by human hands.
Recommendation from someone who actually had their wisdom teeth removed:
The position of wisdom teeth is different for everyone, so it doesn’t always apply, but I would trust them to a certain extent in relation to how much pain they felt.
Dentists have their own specialties and can refer you to the right hospital if your wisdom teeth are in a position that is difficult for them to handle properly.
How to avoid pain after Wisdom Teeth Removal
When wisdom teeth are removed, it is necessary to take care to avoid pain as much as possible by taking the following precautions:

・Take the prescribed antibiotics and pain relievers
・Avoid eating for 2~3 hours
・Avoid alcohol and strenuous exercise
・Avoid spicy food
・Avoid hot baths
・Avoid smoking
・Avoid excessive gargling on the day of the tooth extraction
・Do not brush vigorously around the extracted teeth
・Do not touch the extraction area
If the wisdom tooth is buried, it is a surgical procedure, so a scalpel may be used to make an incision, and the wound may be sutured after extraction. Few people should eat, drink, or touch the affected area after surgery.
The same applies to the mouth in general, as this can lead to bacterial infection. So avoid irritating the affected area and avoid excessive gargling and brushing, which will hopefully make the pain go away faster.
The Toranomon Hills Dental Medical Ryu Clinic offers free consultations for a variety of dental problems.
You can be sure that we will always make suggestions that are appropriate for your situation and that we will always work with you to determine the best treatment plan.
Please do not give up and consult with us first.